Pupil Leadership
We wholeheartedly believe in creating a pupil leadership culture where children take on key leadership roles and get their voice heard. We highly value the work of our pupil leaders, using pupil voice and action to breathe life, relevance, purpose and meaning in all that happens at our school. We strive to give opportunities for children to become confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situations within our community and beyond. We believe in giving the children the opportunity to make a vital contribution to continually improving their school and their learning journey.
The aim of the various pupil leadership roles is to enable children to take on leadership responsibilities within the school, ensuring their voices and opinions are heard and acted upon. We actively encourage children to challenge, discuss and debate issues which are important to them.
Our children feel safe to share their opinions and viewpoints gathered through: Pupil voice surveys, regular Pupil Governor (School Council) Meetings and a pupil voice suggestion box. The feedback the pupil governors receive from their peers is discussed at regular Pupil Governor Meetings , discussed with School Governors and acted upon. Members of the Pupil Governor Team are assigned different roles and oversee their own sub teams. These teams set school improvement priorities, monitor aspects of the school including the Quality of Education, Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes and Leadership and Management. Our Pupil Governors champion an eco-friendly approach to our school environment by working closely with our Pupil Eco-warrior Team.
There are many Leadership Opportunities available for children to participate in. Some of these roles are elected by peers, and some of these roles require pupils to apply for the role. For elected roles, children are asked to present a speech. This is presented to the class and the class have a private ballot to elect their preferred candidate. When children apply for a role, they are required to complete an application, either by completing a form or by writing a letter of application. They are then interviewed by the senior leadership team.
Pupil Governors (School Council) (Elected)
Each September, two children from each class are elected to be representatives on the Pupil Governors Team. They prepare speeches and are democratically voted in to the position by their peers. New elections take place in September. These children are responsible for leading school pupil led school improvement priorities.
House Captains (Elected)
Two Year 6 and two Year 2 children from each House Team are elected by the House Team in the Autumn Term. The children prepare speeches and are democratically voted in by their house. Captains are responsible for counting the House Points throughout the year and organising House events and competitions.
Worship Team
Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 have an opportunity to plan, practice and lead pupil-led collective worship for the whole school. They work hard to include everyone in their services and research Bible stories and readings to develop understanding of the school Christian Values. The Pupil Worship Teams also monitor the values of the term by carrying out evaluations in all year groups. Rev’d Jax regularly meets with the Pupil Worship Team to plan and discuss collective worship themes.
Sports Leaders (Apply)
Year 6 children are invited to apply and interview for the role of Sports Leader. They are trained to lead children in activities and are responsible for organising School sports events including sports day.
Year 6 Prefects (Apply)
Prefects act as good role models and support the development of a school community where everyone supports one another. They model the School Golden Rules and build a sense of school cohesion across the whole school. At lunchtime, they lead activities on the playground and once a week they eat lunch with KS1. They show visitors around our school and help lead children in and out of worship.