
Home-School Agreement

School will:

  • Foster a love of learning.
  • Create a culture of high achievement for all.
  • Encourage children to grow within the guidelines of a secure Christian framework.
  • Help children to positively contribute to our school ethos through our values; courage, compassion and creativity.
  • Share with parents information about your child's progress at least termly.
  • Provide half termly information about the curriculum planned for your child.
  • Be accessible to parents.

Family, parents or carers will:

  • See that your child attends school daily and is on time.
  • Respect the school's opening hours. – please do not leave your child on site before 8:40 am and arrange to pick up promptly at 3:30 pm or at the end of an after school club.
  • Encourage full attendance and not book holidays in term time.
  • Support the school's policies and guidelines for behaviour, homework and uniform.
  • Inform the school of any concerns or problems that might affect your child's work, behaviour or attendance.
  • Attend parent's evenings and discussions about your child's progress.
  • Promote your child's awareness of the school's sense of community, values and identity.