Effective marking and feedback is integral to good teaching and learning processes. By empowering pupils to be actively involved in understanding how they are making progress, it helps to embed learning swiftly and enables accelerated learning.
Effective marking and feedback aims to:
- inform the pupil what they have done well and what they need to do to improve.
- support pupil confidence and self-esteem in learning, and contributes to accelerated learning.
- support teachers’ assessment knowledge of each pupil as part of thorough assessment for learning procedures, in order to plan and refine next steps in learning.
- develop consistent processes across the school to teach pupils to respond to feedback, self-assess and evaluate their own learning.
Staff will follow the school's Marking Policy which can be found in the policies section of this website.
In addition, we use flexible grouping and will sort books at the end of each lesson to identify which children need additional support, which children need to consolidate further with a concept and which children may be ready to work at a deeper level or offered more sophisticated problems.
If the child needs more support or additional practice the teacher may well offer targeted support with themselves or an LSA. This will happen as soon as possible after the lesson to address any misconceptions.
Teachers praise and encourage, reminding the children of the success criteria and how to improve during the lessons.
Stickers and other stamps are used to give positive feedback.